ARMY-2018 to showcase newest Russian Кoalitsiya-SV howitzer
The newest 2S35 Koalitiya-SV howitzer will be showcased during the Army 2018 International Military and Technical Forum.
The self-propelled gun mount Koalitiya-SV is intended to conduct counter-battery fight, destroy tanks and other armoured vehicles, anti-tank means, manpower, air defence and missile defence means, control posts, as well as to destroy field fortifications and cause maximal fire defeat in the depths of the enemy’s defence .
Howitzer 2S35 has an automatic fire adjustment unit, which is able to adjust the fire parameters in real time. Its high accuracy is kept at distances of up to 50 km.
Fielding of the Koalitiya-SV will increase the rate of fire by 2-3 times, and the time for reloading ammunition will be significantly reduced, which will allow gunners to fulfil their fire tasks more effectively.