Rostec for the first time demonstrates operative exoskeletons the Ratnik Combat Suit

Rostec for the first time demonstrates operative exoskeletons the Ratnik Combat Suit

Rostec is presenting exoskeletons for promising combat suits at the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY 2018. The exoskeletons were already tested by the Russian Army under combat environment conditions. The development displayed high efficiency.

A fully operative example of a passive exoskeleton significantly increases physical abilities of a soldier, protects joints and the spine and can be adjusted to the height of a particular soldier. The exoskeletons are developed by TSNIITOCHMASH (the Central Research Institute for Precision Machine Building, part of Rostec State Corporation) and GB Engineering.

The exoskeleton is made of lightweight carbon fiber and supports the musculoskeletal system when a person carries weights up to 50 kg (packs, special gear, armaments and ammunition) during long marches and assaults. It is a mechanical device with levers and swivels in the shape of human joints.

ratnik exoskl

Unlike active exoskeletons, the passive exoskeleton has no power sources, servomotors, electronics and various sensors. This makes it more reliable and light (4 to 8 kg depending on the configuration). It is absolutely autonomous, and easy to maintain.

“This prototype has already been tested during real military operations. The exoskeleton was tested by special detachments of the Russian Ministry of Defense and Internal Affairs bodies in years 2017-2018. In addition, an active exoskeleton is also being designed, and its working prototype has already been made by Rostec’s enterprise. It is going to be presented at one of the nearest exhibitions,” says Industrial Director of the Armament Cluster of Rostec Sergey Abramov.


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