Lithuania upgrades RBS 70 with night sight and new missiles
Saab has received two orders from the Ministry of National Defence Republic of Lithuania for improved missiles and BORC night-capability sights for the RBS 70 system. The order value amounts to approximately SEK 100 million and deliveries are expected to take place starting in 2019.
The Lithuanian Armed Forces are already users of the RBS 70 system and are now acquiring improved capability with greater range, higher altitude coverage and an enhanced effect against armored targets as well as night time capability.
“We welcome the decision by the Lithuanian Armed Forces to continue investing in the RBS 70 system. By adding BORC sights to the country’s current inventory, Lithuania gets an even more capable system with the additional ability to operate in darkness”, says Görgen Johansson, head of Saab business area Dynamics.
The Saab portfolio of very short-range ground based air defence missile systems comprises of the RBS 70 and the further enhanced RBS 70 NG. The RBS 70 system has an impressive track-record on the market. Nineteen countries have procured more than 1,600 RBS 70 systems, including more than 18,000 missiles.