Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon obtain UN mine clearance and EOD certifications
The 18th Chinese peacekeeping multi-functional engineer contingent to Lebanon has passed a three-day assessment conducted by the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), and successfully obtained the mine clearance and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) qualifications.
The UNMAS assessment team carried out comprehensive assessment on individual Chinese mine clearance and EOD peacekeepers at the training field located in the south Lebanese village of Hinnieh. The assessment covers more than 30 items in 13 subjects including mine detector debugging, signal source locating, mine excavation, minefield rescue, mine destruction, and unexploded ordnance disposal, etc.
Thanks to their excellent technical skill and the standardized procedure, 60 demining operators, 6 demining medical personnel and 5 EOD personnel in China’s demining detachment passed the assessment.
Among them, three female mine-sweeping peacekeepers also participated in the assessment for the first time. Like their male counterparts, they had to wear heavy protective gears and demonstrated demining operations during the assessment. They completed all the tasks with the same criteria and successfully passed the assessment.
Xu Weiqing, the deputy Chinese contingent leader, said that they always kept the UN demining operating procedures in mind and actively contributed to the elimination of mines on the Lebanon-Israel border. The UNMAS examiner praised the outstanding performance of the Chinese force, and expressed their gratitude for the peacekeepers’ outstanding services.
The 18th multi-functional engineer contingent to Lebanon was deployed by the end of last month. Upon obtaining the qualifications for mine clearance and EOD, the Chinese demining peacekeepers are qualified to be dispatched to the Blue Line minefield on the Lebanon-Israel border and implement the mine-clearing and EOD tasks entrusted by the UN.