98 Mi-28NM are to be delivered to the Russian Army by next 10 year

98 Mi-28NM are to be delivered to the Russian Army by next 10 year

During the Army-2018 international defense forum, the Russian Helicopters holding (part of the Rostec state corporation) unveiled its first serial Mi-28NM attack helicopter and the Ka-52 helicopter, modernized with regard to combat experience in Syria.

1024px Mi 28N RF 91091 e1561727431874“The Russian Helicopters holding (part of the Rostec state corporation) for the first time presents its newest Mi-28NM attack helicopter and the Ka-52 reconnaissance and combat helicopter, upgraded with regard to combat experience. The Mi-28NM displayed at the forum is the first serial modernized Night Hunter,” the company’s press service said in a statement on 27 June.

The Mi-28NM helicopter gunship is designed to search for and destroy low-speed air targets, tanks, armored and non-armored vehicles as well as enemy manpower in daytime and at night, in all weather conditions.

The first Mi-28NM helicopter was made in 2009. Being an upgraded variant of the Mi-28N Night Hunter attack helicopter, it differs significantly from its predecessor. The Mi-28NM onboard radar equipment comprises an innovative helmet-mounted imaging and pointing system. The helicopter is equipped with an N025 radar station, which makes it possible to carry out round watch. The upgrade also has a new EW system. In addition to that, the Mi-28 NM helicopter has a modified fuselage and modernized engines; a radio-electronic onboard system and a target sight system; an auxiliary power plant and equipment for communication with unmanned aerial vehicles.


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