German Army selects Systematic’s Sitaware Headquarters
The German Army has selected Systematic’s SitaWare Headquarters to enhance the command-and-control capabilities of its deployable command posts.
SitaWare extends the German Army’s legacy C2 system and can be operated on in-service IT platforms. It enables seamless connectivity between existing national and international systems.
“The advanced command-and-control functions and comprehensive situational awareness picture that the system features improve the existing C2 capabilities of the German Army,” explains Sven Trusch, Vice President of Business of Development at Systematic. “Interoperability is a core element of SitaWare’s capabilities and the software will greatly improve the army’s ability to undertake operations with its partners. Few militaries conduct missions independently, therefore we understand that it is crucial for information from our systems to be made available to others, even those that do not operate with SitaWare.” Trusch adds.
The C2 package will largely be deployed at division and brigade command posts and will be complemented by Systematic’s IRIS WebForms software, which provides a Military Text Format (MTF) capability.
SitaWare is operationally proven and the German Armed Forces already have long-term experience with the software. Headquarters is the core of the Mission Enabling Service Bundeswehr, which is hosted on the HaFIS IT platform and provides the current operational picture for the Bundeswehr Joint Forces Operations Command in Potsdam.
The first operational deployment of SitaWare Headquarters with the German Army will be in support of the service’s role as the Framework Nation in NATO’s Lithuania-based Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup. There, the C2 system will be fielded with the 10th Armoured Division’s 104th Tank Battalion, which is spearheading the army’s contribution to the eFP.
Among other tasks, SitaWare Headquarters will provide a detailed Common Operating Picture to commanders and enable shared situational awareness with partners, notably the Lithuanian Land Forces, who are equipped with SitaWare Headquarters and Frontline and will be fitting their new Boxer armoured fighting vehicles (Vilkas) with SitaWare Frontline.
The eFP Battlegroup in Lithuania is one of four multinational battlegroups established along NATO’s Eastern flank. The deployments are intended to enhance security and undertake training to improve cohesion and interoperability between NATO members. SitaWare functions across all echelons of the battlespace, from multi-national headquarters through to mounted applications and dismounts. SitaWare is operationally proven and in service in over 30 countries, with both conventional and special forces personnel.