Consignment of APC “Novator” will be delivered to the Ukrainian Land Forces
On December 20, the first stage of the national tests of armored vehicles “NOVATOR” was completed produced by LLC “Ukrainian Armor”.
“Novator” has passed all track obstacles very confidently and on the first attempts: sandy field with a sand depth of 1 m; side slope with a transverse slope of 20°; ford with depth 0.8 m; vertical wall with height of 0.4 m; hill with slope of 12%, 20% and 60% (31°); and also railway embankment with fragment of railway track and common base height of the embankment to the top of rails of 0.9 m
“Soon, a consignment of several dozen of specialized amored vehicles “NOVATOR”, manufactured by “Ukrainian Armor” LLC at the request of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, will be transferred into service to the Land Forces”, reported “Ukrainian Armor” LLC.
NOVATOR is a modern, multi-purpose mobile platform, adapted for operation in tough off-road and temperature conditions from -40 to +50 °C, capable of overcoming water obstacles up to 1.4 m deep and up to 60% gradient, equipped with a night vision system to move with the light off at night.
At the request of the Army, NOVATOR can be delivered in the form of a command and staff car, a carrier vehicle for an anti-tank missile complex, a transport-combat machine for mortar squad, a special forces combat vehicle, and many other options.
Currently, NOVATOR is widely used in the National Guard and Armed Forces of Ukraine units and is a leader in its class not only in Ukraine but also abroad.