High-speed “Brig” boats are enlisted the Ukrainian Marine Guard
New specialized small boats of the Ukrainian production for departments of special actions of the Odessa and Mariupol detachments of Marine Guard departament of Ukrainian Border Service passed sea trials.
The Regional Department of Marine Guard has developed a technical task and formulated clear requirements for future boats: speed, maneuverability, capacity, range of navigation, equipment with modern navigation and radar equipment, communications, ergonomics of the hull, fuel consumption, etc.
Therefore, small boats are decorated with a stationary diesel engine, have a fuel reserve of more than 300 liters, can accommodate 11 servicemen, take on board a total of 1500 kg, that is, an increased assault group in full equipment and weapons.
Special forces soldiers took part in the ceremony of accepting the boats and conducting test maneuvers, and checking all the declared characteristics. On sea trials, “Brigs” demonstrated a speed of 32 to 35 knots (about 70 km / h), depending on the load.
Already with the beginning of the new navigation season, special operations units on the Azov and Black Seas will perform service duties on new boats.