Australia to acquire additional laser target designators from Leonardo

Australia to acquire additional laser target designators from Leonardo

Leonardo Australia will provide the Australian Defence Force (ADF) with the Type 163 Laser Target Designator (LTD) under Australia’s LAND 17 Phase 2 Digital Terminal Control System – Capability Assurance Program.

ad307eb1 2038 4dd9 bb85 00eb2c8af834According to Leonardo, the contract for the Type 163 will be fulfilled in the second quarter of 2022. This order follows a previous contract.

A spokesperson from Leonardo told Janes that the ADF will be operating more than 20 Type 163 LTDs after the current order. Leonardo’s spokesperson could not comment on the price of the contract.

“The Type 163 is manportable and also integrates with external systems, in this case, the digital terminal control systems (DTCS) that Collins Aerospace will deliver [to the ADF],” said the spokesperson. The LTD system also integrates with Collins Aerospace’s shortwave infrared (SWIR) camera, which has a see-spot capability, the spokesperson added.

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