Eurosatory 2022: Arquus launches new Arquus Diag diagnostic case
Arquus presents its new diagnostic case to meet the challenges of speed and precision during preventive or curative maintenance. Thanks to ALPs (fault finding trees), this tool makes it possible to further improve by 30% the location of the failure. Entirely dedicated to military use in the workshop or as close as possible to operations, this solution integrates a military ISS and does not require an internet connection for use.
For more than 15 years, Arquus has been developing contextualized diagnostic solutions for soldiers in France and abroad. In particular, it is a major player in the context of the Scorpion program for the French Army through the developments carried out on the SERUM diagnostic case. Backed by this expertise, Arquus is launching its generic diagnostics: Arquus Diag to meet ever-increasing diagnostic expectations efficient and effective, at the service of the Operational Technical Availability (DTO, Disponibilité Technique Opérationnelle) of vehicles and systems from the Arquus range and the optimization of ownership costs.
In the form of an ultra-rugged laptop PC with a robust and removable touch screen, its structure is designed to cope with environmental constraints. Its ergonomic allows it to be used in the workshop as well as in operation, notably having an autonomy of more than 20 hours.
The intuitive interface and the step-by-step guided diagnostics of this tool facilitate its use in operation, as in the workshop. Arquus Diag allows you to query all computers and onboard electronic systems of the vehicle such as the engine, the brakes, the weapon systems, etc. thus identifying the various fault codes reported.
The integration of high-performance ALPs (Fault Location Trees) is one of the most differentiating features compared to other solutions on the market. They have for the objective of better locating the failure and directing the maintenance person. Guided step by step, consults the information enabling the faulty element to be located. This functionality thus ensures better localization of the failure and durations of optimized intervention in maintenance actions. Other features are integrated such as reading parameters, access to technical documentation, and import/export of data (ALP, technical documentation, …).