Army of Argentina takes delivery of first modernized TAM 2C medium tank
According to information published by the “MercoPress” website on October 24, 2022, the first modernized medium tank TAM 2C fitted with a new turret was delivered to the army of Argentina.
The TAM is a medium tank that was developed by the German company of Rheinmetall Landsysteme to meet the operational requirements of the Argentine Army. The first prototype of the TAM was completed in Germany in 1976 and it entered into service with the Argentina army in 1994.
The TAM 2C MBT is an upgraded version of the TAM (Tanque Argentino Mediano) MBT which was developed by the German company Rheinmetall Landsysteme (then Henschel Wehrtechnik) to meet the operational requirements of the Argentine Army. Development of the new TAM 2C performed by the Argentine Army Research, Development work on the TAM 2C upgrade was carried out by the Argentine Army Research, Development and Production Directorate in collaboration with Israeli companies Elbit Systems, IMI, and Tadiran.
The modernization of the TAM 2C mainly focused on FCS, 105mm gun stabilization and commanders/gunners optics which could allow the TAM MBT to detect and engage targets under almost any weather conditions, day/night, and improve first hit probability.
In July 2022, the Army Recognition editorial team reported that Argentine Army signed an agreement with the company Industrias Mecánicas Pescarmona SA (IMPSA) for the manufacture and modernization of the turret within the framework of the modernization project for the Argentine Medium Tank TAM 2C.
The modernization of the turret includes a new sighting system which is similar to the Elbit Systems COAPS (Commander Open Architecture Panoramic Sight) allowing both the gunner and the tank commander to have automatic target tracking capability. The modernization also includes a new detection system.
The new version of the TAM 2C keeps the original main armament that consists of a 105 mm rifled gun, which was developed in Argentina and fires all standard types of 105 mm ammunition. The barrel is fitted with a bore evacuator, thermal sleeve and is fully stabilized. The tank can carry up to 50 rounds of 105 mm with 20 located in the turret, while the 30 remainings are in the hull. The second armament of the TAM MBT consists of a coaxial 7,62mm machine gun and a similar machine gun mounted on the turret roof for close-range and air defense.