Mi-8AMT/Mi-171 helicopters to be assembled in Kazakhstan

Mi-8AMT/Mi-171 helicopters to be assembled in Kazakhstan

A contract for the semi-knocked-down assembly of the Mil Mi-8AMT/Mi-171 helicopters in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been signed 17 January in Astana.

The document was signed by Kazakhstan Engineering NC of the Ministry of the Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aircraft Repair Plant No. 405 JSC and Russian Helicopters JSC of Rostec State Corporation in line with the accords earlier reached between the presidents of Kazakhstan and Russia, press service of the Defense and Aerospace Industry of the RK informs.

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The assembly and customization of helicopters will be carried out at the industrial sites of Aircraft Repair Plant No. 405 JSC, which has the greatest competence in ensuring the safe operation of such helicopters in Kazakhstan. The company is certified by Kazakhstani and international bodies specializing in the repair, upgrading, and maintenance of the Mil Mi-8/17/171 helicopters.

Today, the main customers of the Mil Mi-8AMT/Mi-171 helicopters in the country are several government agencies, commercial airlines. In Kazakhstan, the technology of assembling heavy helicopters is being introduced for the first time ever, and the assembly production is organized without public funding.

The Mil Mi-8AMT/Mi-171 helicopter was developed by the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and can be used for the carriage of passengers, transportation of goods weighing up to 4,000 kg in the cabin and as an external load, and the conduction of search and rescue operations and firefighting. Presently, over 1,000 such helicopters of various modifications are operated in the countries of Central and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the CIS.

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