KPE carried out shooting tests with the Ansar RCWS

KPE carried out shooting tests with the Ansar RCWS

Kazakhstan Paramount Engineering (KPE) company conducted fire tests of Ansar remote controlled weapon station (RCWS) with a 30 mm caliber turret on an Barys 8×8 armored combat vehicle.

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Photo by Qriqory Bedenko

High results were achieved in day and night shootings with the RCWS.

The company has announced that the new product will be ready for delivery to the customer in the near future.

The main weapon of the Ansar RCWS is a 30mm 2A72 automatic turret and a 7.620mm PKTM machine gun. The RCWS can be armed with a target search radar, TV camera, thermal camera and laser range, a 3D6 smoke grenade, 2 anti-tank missiles, or a “Shmel” portable disposable rocket launcher.

A target search radar and an optical complex are located on the roof of a combat module capable of shooting at a horizontal angle of 360 ° and a vertical -10 ° / + 75 ° angle. The overall height of the combat module is 1477 mm.

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