Azerbaijani company has made prototype of three kinds of loitering munitions
Azerbaijani company has made the prototype of three kinds of loitering munitions.
According to “AzeriDefence”, It has been begun to made the prototype of loitering munition which was made by “Science and Technology Park” LTD which is located in High Technologies Park of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
Loitering munitions were presented as “controlled flying missile” in catalogues of enterprise. One of them that is called “Mini” is in a testing stage, has 3.5 kg weight, and approximately, 30 minutes flying duration. The main parts of the ammunition that has 0.5-0.7 kg warhead were made by using carbon. The flying radius of ammunition which is carried by one man is shown as 5-7 km.
The other prototypes that are envisioned to use for obliterating lightweight armored vehicles, and live force of enemy, are thrown by the help of special catapult. Middle size – the second ammunition that is 5 kg, has 1.2 kg warhead, and it’s flying duration is 30 minutes. This ammunition that reminiscent little “Harop” fly by the help of electric motor, and it is notified that the war radius of the ammunition is over 10 km.
The third ammunition that is called “Grand” has 12-15 kg weight. It’s warhead is 5 kg, and flying duration is approximately, 3 hours. This ammunition which has internal combustion engine can be used for seeking and destroying targets in 20 km radius.