Pakistan Navy launches land based anti ship missile
Pakistan Navy test fired land based anti-ship missile as part of a training exercise from the coastal region. The missile successfully followed its preplanned trajectory till accurate target engagement at sea.
Vice Chief of the Naval Staff Vice Admiral Kaleem Shaukat and senior officers of Pakistan Navy were present on the occasion. While addressing the audience, the chief guest highlighted the changing security environment in the India Ocean region and corresponding challenges for Pakistan Navy. The Vice Chief conveyed confidence of Chief of the Naval Staff on the relentless efforts being put in by the officers and men of Pakistan Navy to defend sea frontiers of our homeland. Pakistan Navy will continue to support regional peace and security initiatives to meet entire spectrum of challenges in the maritime domain.
Vice Chief of the Naval Staff lauded the utmost dedication, unflinching resolve and commendable professional conduct displayed by all participants especially the crew of missile unit for making the event a complete success.