Switzerland tests Polish Fly Eye UAV
Swiss Tages Anzeiger newspaper informed, that the Swiss land forces are starting trials of reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs`). Tests will take place at the Schiessplatz Petit Hongrin military grounds in Vaud canton between 16th and 29th of April. The UAVs` under trials include Israeli Aeronautics Orbiter 2B and Polish Fly Eye by WB Group.
In its 2017 report, the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, identified a need for additional reconnaissance data for small land forces units. Unlike the big unit divisions, the small ones don`t have access to large UAV/helicopter data.
The Swiss land forces have no experience with small, reconnaissance UAV`s so a few manufacturers of such systems were asked to provide a demonstration. Switzerland is planning to spend 8 million CHF (6,7 million EUR) on this equipment.
During April`s testing, similarly sized UAV`s will be tested. Fly Eye has a wingspan of 3,6 m and weights 11 kg while Orbiter 2B wingspan is 3 m with mass being 10,3 kg. Both are powered by electric motors and can be ready for deployment in 5 to 7 minutes. / MILMAG – The Military Magazine.