Lithuania will purchased 200 JLTV from United States
The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Lithuania of five hundred Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV) with support for an estimated cost of $170.8 million.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on August 27, 2019.
The Government of Lithuania has requested to buy five hundred Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, M1278A1 Heavy Guns Carriers. Also included are Baseline Integration Kits, Ballistic Kits Armor, Explosive Formed Protection Kit, Shot Detection Boomerang Kits, Shot Detection, Boomerang III, GPS Stand Alone kits, Network Switch – 8 port, M153 Common Remote Weapon Stations (CROWS), CROWS Baseline v2 Integration Kit, MK-93 Weapons Mounts, M2 QCB .50 CAL Machine Guns, M230 TAC-FLIR Systems, Opaque Armor (windows), Basic Issue Item Kits, Winch Kits, Flat Tow Kits, Run-Flat Kits, Spare Tire Kits, Combat Bumper Kits, Duramax Turbo Engine with Allison 6 speed automatic transmission and 4×4 TAK-4i Independent suspension systems, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services and other related elements of logistical and program support.
“The proposed sale of the JLTV will help improve Lithuania’s light tactical vehicle fleet and enhance the capabilities to meet current and future enemy threats”, – said DSCA.
The principal contractor will be Oshkosh Defense LLC.
“With the U.S. Government lighting the green light for Lithuania to acquire 200 armored Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, we are moving to bilateral contract coordination. We intend to sign it before the end of this year”, says Vice-Minister of the Ministry of National Defence Giedrimas Jeglinskas.
The U.S. Government has given permission to Lithuania to buy 500 JLTVs, but Lithuania plans to buy 200. A larger number of JLTVs is foreseen in case if Lithuania decides to purchase more for the needs of its Armed Forces.
The Ministry of National Defence as early as February this year had submitted procurement applications to the Government of the United States of America concerning acquisition and maintenance of 200 JLTVs for the Lithuanian Armed Forces.
These armored tactical vehicles will increase the mobility, security and combat power of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. The Ministry of National Defence in 2020-2024 plans to allocate about $ 142 million euros for the acquisition and maintenance of JLTVs.
The Defence Materiel Council of the Ministry of National Defence found the U.S.-manufactured JLTVs to meet the price-performance ratio best in late 2017, and the negotiations on their procurement were opened with the U.S. Government. The JLTVs will augment and upgrade the car fleet of the corresponding type the Lithuanian Armed Forces and will be distributed among its units. The JLTVs are a significant part of the Lithuanian Armed Forces mechanisation programme, also encompassing procurement of the Vilkas/Boxer infantry fighting vehicles. Currently the Lithuanian Armed Forces uses HMMWV and Toyota Land Cruiser 200 armoured all-terrain vehicles.