ALACA 35 GHz RCS Measurement System completed tests by Turkish Navy
In line with the projects carried out by Turkish company Meteksan Defence in the field of radar systems, the agreement for design and develop of “35 GHz Radar Cross Section (RCS) Measurement System” for Turkish Navy was signed on July 13, 2018 between Turkish Navy Research Center Command (ARMERKOM) and Meteksan Defence Industry Inc.
The acceptance tests of ALACA 35 GHz RCS Measurement System, developed within the scope of the agreement, were successfully completed by Meteksan Defence and the system is delivered in December 2019 to Turkish Navy.
ALACA will be used for; measurement of the RCS of the naval platforms which is an important parameter in protection from guided missiles and fire control radars, for improvement of the millimeter wave RCS of the existing or newly designed platforms and for measurement of the RCS of countermeasure decoy used for the deception of guided missiles likely to target naval platforms.
In addition, Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) capability of ALACA will allow creation of ISAR images of naval platforms. With these functions, ALACA will be a critical system for the survival of Turkish Navy’s combat platforms.