Jordan to buys $300 million AFATDS from US
The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Jordan of up to 700 piece Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS) software license copies and related equipment for an estimated cost of $300 million.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on yesterday.
The Government of Jordan has requested to buy up to 700 pc. AFATDS software license copies with a tailored, international ballistic kernel. Also included are up to 200 each laptop and table computers, ancillary computer mounting hardware, battery kits and chargers, printers, scanners, network routers and communication hardware, modems, 250 each diesel fueled 5 kilowatt auxiliary power units (APUs), 100 each diesel fueled electrical power generators, 50 each model 7800-HF 150-Watt high frequency radios, 500 each model 7850-MB 50-Watt multiband (UHF&VHF) radios, 55 each model 7850-MB IO-Watt multiband (UHF&VHF) radios, all the required cables and components, required engineering and installation services, operations, integration, and maintenance services, contractor furnished support, communications support equipment, tools and test equipment, training, U.S. Government technical/logistical Support, contractor technical support, spares and support equipment, and other related elements of logistical and program support services.