IDEF 2021: Otokar from Turkey presents new Arma 8×8 armored vehicle fitted with 35mm turret
Turkish Company Otokar presents a new variant of its Arma 8×8 armored vehicle fitted Korhan 35mm turret at IDEF 2021, International Defense Exhibition that takes place in Istanbul, Turkey.
Turkish company Otokar once again makes its mark at IDEF exhibiting its next-generation of wheeled armored vehicles. Otokar showcases an ARMA 6×6 fitted with a 25 mm MIZRAK turret system, and an ARMA 8×8 version equipped with Aselsan’s NEFER and KORHAN turrets.
The Arma 8×8 is a wheeled armored vehicle fully developed and manufactured by the Turkish company Otokar. The vehicle was unveiled in May 2013 during an international defense exhibition. The vehicle is designed as a modular platform offering the possibility to integrate a wide range of weapon systems and combat equipment according to mission requirements.
The Arma 8×8 is based on a monocoque V-shaped steel hull to increase vehicle and crew survivability by deflecting an upward directed blast from a landmine or IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) away from the vehicle, while also presenting a sloped armor face. The hull of the Arma provides ballistic protection against kinetic energy (KE) projectiles and fragments, mines, rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), explosively formed penetrators (EFPs), and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
The Arma is powered by a turbocharged diesel engine coupled to an automatic transmission. The vehicle can reach a maximum road speed of 105 km/h. It has amphibious capabilities and can cross water obstacles at a maximum speed of 8km/h.
At IDEF 2021, the Arma was fitted with the Korhan unmanned turret manufactured by the Turkish company Aselsan. The main armament of the turret consists of one 35mm automatic cannon designed by the Turkish company MKE and one 7.62mm caliber coaxial machine gun. The turret is stabilized on two axes and has a traverse of 360° with an elevation from -10° to +45°.
The KORHAN turret has high survivability through the use of laser detection and warning system (LUS), active self-protection system “AKKOR”, composite or ceramic modular armor protection. In addition, she has full dominance on the battlefield and superiority over the enemy with a 360-degree situational awareness panoramic vision system (YAMGÖZ), gun dependent sniper and independent commander sight systems, battlefield recognition system (MSTTS), and satellite type Mini Unmanned Air Vehicle (MIHA).