Rwanda operating Cobra II armoured vehicles

The Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) released a photograph on 11 June showing a Cobra II 4×4 armoured vehicle made by the Turkish company Otokar deployed in Mozambique.

38cc5481 fe96 4212 8ded c2316517313dThe RDF did not explicitly identify the vehicle as one of its assets, but the photograph was one of four it released showing a Mozambican delegation visiting Rwandan forces in the northern districts of Mocímboa da Praia and Palma.

Turkey told the UN Register of Conventional Arms (UNROCA) that it exported 49 wheeled armoured personal carriers (APCs) that it did not identify to Rwanda in 2021, which followed 46 in 2017.

The RDF uses Otokar Cobra vehicles, mainly with its UN peacekeeping contingents. With a gross vehicle weight of up to 13,500 kg, the Cobra II weighs nearly twice as much. The APC variant can accommodate up to 10 people, including the driver and commander.


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