AM General to supply US Army with HMMWV ECV improved Humvees
As reported by John Keller in Military Aerospace, the U.S. Army Contracting Command at Detroit Arsenal in Warren, Mich., announced a $732.7 million order to AM General for the production of High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle Expanded Capacity Vehicle (HMMWV ECV) variants.
The HMMWV ECV with its vetronics is the 4th generation design of the HMMWV. However the Humvee is more and more being replaced with Oshkosh Defense’s Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), the U.S. Army still has needs the HMMWV ECV is designed to fill. Compared to the original HMMWV, the newest Expanded Capability Vehicle (ECV), which is an up-armored version is designed to provide greater protection without sacrificing mobility and performance. The ECV is heavier than the A2 HMMWV but also has a more powerful 190 hp engine vs. 160 hp for the A2 series.
The HMMWV Modification Program restores payload and performance to extend the service life and enhance the durability of those ECVs not replaced by JLTV out to 2030, John Keller reports. Army experts evaluated solutions based on cost, weight, performance, and durability to provide drop-in solutions as upgraded component kits that can be installed in the field or at Army depots. The implementation of this order should be completed by the end of 2024.
As reported by globalsecurity.org, the first of the Expanded Capability Vehicle HMMWVs, the M1113, was introduced in 1994. The ECV HMMWVs also went into series production in 1995. The payload of these vehicles was 5,100 lb, including the crew. The introduction of the M1113 was followed shortly thereafter by the M1114, a so-called Up-Armored HMMWV, with enhanced ballistic protection. Previous prototypes had been constructed using the A1 series chassis, resulting in the XM1109. This vehicle’s performance suffered due to the additional weight. The ECV chassis of the M1113 was combined with the armor kit of the XM1109 to form the M1114. These vehicles went on to serve most notably in Bosnia. The M1113 supplemented the M1097A2 with hopes of eventually supplanting the latter vehicle.
In 2000, 2 additional variants were added to the ECV family. The US Air Force acquired a variant of the M1114 for its Security Forces, designated the M1116. This vehicle featured a visible configuration more similar to the A1-based XM1109. It would later go on to be utilized by the US Navy for similar security duties. A variant for Tactical Air Control Parties, the M1145, was also acquired to replace standard HMMWVs in this role. The added payload of the ECV chassis allowed the new vehicle to better carry the specialized equipment required, as well as allowing for the installation of the enhanced ballistic protection of the M1114. A TOW missile carrier variant of the M1114, designated the M1115 was also developed, but it was unclear how many vehicles, if any, were fielded.