Colombian Navy awards contract to COTECMAR for first PES frigate, ocean patrol vessel, and logistic support ship
The Colombian Navy (Armada de la República de Colombia: ARC) awarded a contract to COTECMAR to build the service’s first frigate under the Strategic Surface Platform (Plataforma estratégica de superficie: PES) project on 22 November. The contract includes the construction of an ocean patrol vessel (Patrullera Oceánica Colombiana: POC) offshore patrol vessel (OPV) 93 and a logistic support vessel (LSV) (Buque de Apoyo logístico: BAL).
Vice Admiral Francisco Hernando Cubides Granados, commander of the ARC, said the new vessels will help to protect the country’s maritime interests on both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts. The government announced a total of USD440 million for the construction, integration, testing, commissioning, and operation of afloat naval units, and also for improving their protection capabilities.
The project is expected to be completed in 10 years, and will be fulfilled under different phases.