GDELS Delivers 3 Upgraded Piranha IIIC Armored Vehicles to Spain

GDELS Delivers 3 Upgraded Piranha IIIC Armored Vehicles to Spain

On May 6, 2024, GDELS Santa Bárbara Sistemas delivered three upgraded Piranha IIIC armored vehicles to the Spanish Marine Corps. This delivery is part of the F10 mid-life maintenance program, which aims to extend the operational life of the Piranha IIIC fleet.

Under the signed framework agreement, a total of 21 Piranha IIIC vehicles are to be refurbished and upgraded. The latest delivery adds to the five vehicles previously handed over to the Marine Corps, demonstrating the ongoing progress of the program.

The F10 mid-life maintenance program for the Piranha IIIC armored vehicles is a comprehensive refurbishment initiative aimed at extending the operational lifespan and enhancing the capabilities of the fleet. This program involves updating various systems within the vehicles to meet current and future military requirements. Key aspects of the maintenance include upgrading the driveline and protection systems, and ensuring that the vehicles remain effective against modern threats. Additionally, the program incorporates modifications to improve the vehicles’ overall performance, mobility, and crew comfort, ensuring they can operate efficiently in diverse combat environments.

The maintenance process of these armored vehicles is comprehensive, involving the disassembly of each vehicle, followed by the repair and optimization of all subsystems. After reassembly, the vehicles are repainted and undergo final tests to ensure they meet the strict standards required for military operations. The process concludes with official acceptance by the military inspection team.

The Piranha IIIC is an armored vehicle designed in Switzerland, used by several countries such as Belgium, Brazil, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, and of course, Spain. The vehicle is equipped with a remote weapon station capable of supporting armaments up to 12.7 mm in caliber.

With an operational weight of 14,000 kg, the Piranha IIIC combines mobility and protection. It can reach a maximum speed of 100 km/h on roads and 10 km/h in water. Its operational range is 750 km on roads, allowing it to cover long distances without frequent refueling. The Piranha IIIC is 7.30 meters long, 2.20 meters wide, and 2.66 meters high, capable of carrying and transporting up to 13 people.

In terms of protection, the vehicle offers modular and scalable solutions against bullets, mines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), following international standards. Additionally, it is equipped with NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) protection systems and fire suppression systems, as well as an autonomous recovery winch, enhancing its resilience and survival capability on the battlefield.

GDELS Santa Bárbara Sistemas expressed its gratitude towards its staff for their dedication and professionalism. The company also thanked the Spanish Navy for its ongoing trust in its capabilities and services. Demonstrating the reliability and readiness of the upgraded Piranha IIICs, these vehicles were driven from the GDELS factory in Alcalá de Guadaíra, Seville, to the TEAR military base in San Fernando, Cadiz, showcasing their operational capability.

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