Lithuanian Armed Forces is buying short-range air surveillance radars

Lithuanian Armed Forces is buying short-range air surveillance radars

The Lithuanian Armed Forces signed a contract with Israel’s company this month on procuring five gap filler short-range air surveillance radars and logistic maintenance services. The radars are planned to be installed in Varėna, Švenčionys, Vilnius, Jurbarkas and Pagėgiai.

Two of the radars are bought to compensate for the negatives impact wind farms developed in Šilutė and Tauragė districts have on the ability of the Lithuanian Armed Forces’ air surveillance radars to detect and track air targets. The two radars are paid for by the Lithuanian businesses developing the wind farms in western Lithuania.

“We are approaching the completion of the project of Lithuania’s public and private sectors launched three years ago to concert national security and business interests in renewable energy sector,” Vice Minister of National Defence Giedrimas Jeglinskas says. According to Vice Minister, the business sector contributed investments to the procurement and selection of infrastructure needed.

Lithuanian legislation allows business to contribute to the procurement and installation of additional air surveillance and other equipment in the areas where gap fillers can reduce negative effects. In such cases contracts on compensation are signed for part of the investment and other costs necessary to ensure national security functions.

The Lithuanian Armed Forces cooperate with other institutions ensuring national security to assess the effect of wind farms developed across Lithuania’s territory. With regard to that the Lithuanian Armed Forces issue permits to businesses to design and construct wind farms. Similar practice of assessing the impact of wind farms on national security interests is common in many countries

Three companies applied for the tender of the Lithuanian Armed Forces for procuring short-range surveillance radars. Israel’s company ELTA Systems was selected according to the price, costs of services after the warranty period, and technical parameters. The total price of the procured radars is around EUR 2.8 million minus VAT.

The short-range radars will be integrated into the joint Lithuanian airspace surveillance system and begin using them until the end of 2019.

Lithuania that is the border of NATO and the EU needs to ensure an efficient and quality air surveillance with radiolocation equipment, as well as surveillance of the border zone and aviation functions.

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