Turkey will receive S-400 Triumf missile systems in July 2019

Turkey will receive S-400 Triumf missile systems in July 2019

At a press conference in Ankara, Russian president Vladimir Putin’s announced that Russia would push forward its delivery dates for the S-400 defense systems, which are now due after a contract was signed between the two countries in December, despite objections from Turkey’s NATO allies.

“We are speeding up production, and we have finalized the prices, which is very important,” Putin said, while standing next to Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “In terms of shortening the delivery schedule, we have done this at the request of our Turkish friends and partners.”

Turkey will receive S-400 Triumf missile systems in July 2019, Ismail Demir, head of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) of Turkey wrote in Twitter.

“We changed the date of delivery of the S-400 systems in the agreement for July 2019”, chief SSM stated.

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