Polish 6th Airborne Brigade Sosabowski receives last Aero 4×4 vehicle
According to a tweet posted by the Polish 6th BPD “Sosabowski” on October 31, deliveries of Aero 4×4 vehicles to the airmobile troops to the 6BPD have been completed. A total of 80 vehicles and 120 special trailers were delivered to the Polish Army. Deliveries started in 2019. The total value of the contract amounts to around 50 million Polish złotys (approx. $10.5Mn).
A Polish consortium has delivered the final of 80 Aero air-dropped vehicles for Polish paratroopers. The final vehicle was delivered to the 6th Airborne Brigade on October 31, a little less than four years after the first contract for the vehicles was awarded to the consortium led by Kafar Bartłomiej Sztukiert, Defense Brief reports. In addition to the 80 vehicles, the contract also included the delivery of 120 special trailers, as well as a logistics package and specialist training.
Based on the Toyota Land Cruiser design, the Aero vehicle and its trailer are intended for transporting equipment and supplies via airdrop, patrol missions, as well as to tow light guns. The vehicle can also be used as a weapon platform or carry out casualty evacuation tasks.
Poland received the first vehicles in 2019 and they performed their first “combat drop” in June 2020, during the international exercise Defender Europe 2020 at the training ground in Drawsko Pomorskie. The vehicle was also used by Polish soldiers during activities related to the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border, where it was appreciated by users due to its “mobility, off-road capability and versatility of applications”, Defense Brief reports.