S-400 air defense missile systems of Turkish army are fully operational and ready to use

S-400 air defense missile systems of Turkish army are fully operational and ready to use

According to information released by the Turkish Ministry of Defense, the Russian-made S-400 air defense missile system that Türkiye bought from Russia is ready for action and will be used if the country is threatened, said Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar.

S 400 air defense missile systems of Turkish army are fully operational and ready to use 925 001 1It was reported by the A-Haber television channel that Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced that the Russian-made S-400 air defense missile system is fully operational in the Turkish armed forces and ready to use.

Turkey has bought four S-400 air defense units from Russia valued at $2.5 billion. The Rosoboronexport agency for arms exports said in October 2019 that the contract had been fulfilled.

Russia and Turkey signed a contract for the shipment of S-400 air defense systems in 2017. Turkey has become the first NATO member to buy these systems from Russia. Ankara’s decision caused a harsh reaction from the US and the alliance in general. The US continues its attempts to force Turkey to reject the Russian systems.

The S-400 is a mobile air defense missile system developed by the Russian company Almaz Central Design Bureau. It is designed to engage aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. A battery of S-400 includes a command-and-control system, one surveillance radar, one engagement radar, and four TELs (Transporter Erector Launcher).

The S-400 can launch four different types of missiles including the short-range 9M96E (40km), medium-range 9M96E2 (120km), long-range 48N6 (250km), and the very long-range 40N6E (400km).

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