WARMATE for Australian Defence Forces
WB Group is pleased to announce that the company has signed an agreement for distribution of the loitering munition system WARMATE with its Australian partner CABLEX. The agreement was signed in the presence of Australian Ministry of Defence Industry Mr. Steven Ciobo and Polish Ambassador in Australia Mr. Michał Kołodziejski.
Formal signature of the agreement, on behalf of WB GROUP and CABLEX took place on February 28 2019 at AVALON 2019. One of the largest aviation, aerospace and defence events for the Asia Pacific.
The agreement with CABLEX stipulates that the company will be the exclusive distributor of WARMATE in Australia and the system integrator according to the requirements of the Australian armed forces.
Loitering Munition System WARMATE is designed by WB GROUP in order to support the following combat operations, depending on the payload in use:
- Surveillance, detection, recognition and identification of the objects of interest (EO/IR payload GS9),
- Detection and strike against the enemy personnel (EO-fragmentation charge warhead),
- Detection and strike against the enemy?s light armored vehicles (EO-linear cumulative charge warhead).
The selection of the mission profile is being performed by choosing the proper payload/warhead just before the system operation. The payloads are interchangeable by sharing common interfaces. WARMATE can be operated as an autonomous and independent system, being transported by the army or Special Forces troops. The system has also the capability of being installed onboard the military vehicles, such us the terrain vehicle or armored personnel carrier. The subsystem as the Ground Control Station or Ground Data Terminal can be seamlessly integrated with the vehicle?s onboard installation making it a part of the system.
WARMATE is an alternative solution related to ATM/APM being much cheaper and allowing for the wider radius operations (12 km) with the possibility to Hunt&Kill missions for the extended period of time (50 minutes in the air). The operator has the ability to make sure the observed object is a real target to be engaged. WARMATE is a micro representative of the loitering munition class weapon. The system can be easily extended with the laser seeker capability.
The warheads installed onboard WARMATE air vehicle were designed and manufactured by Military Armament Institute (Poland) in partnership with WB Electronics S.A.
The WARMATE air vehicle, in the combat mission is an one-time, expendable solution. On the other hand, equipped with the EO/IR payload can be recovered using deep-stall landing.
Micro C-UAS WARMATE is fully autonomous solution allowing for real time operation and control based on the video feed acquired from the payload/warhead. The system is composed of the following components:
- WARMATE Air Vehicle,
- EO/IR 2 axes stabilized payload GS9,
- EO/fragmentation charge warhead (GO-1),
- EO/linear cumulative charge warhead (GK-1),
- Ground Control Station,
- Ground Data Terminal with 2 axes automatic antenna tracker,
- Cassette pneumatic launcher,
- Transport cases/backpacks (depending on the configuration).
The system supports the operator during all of the mission phases. There is a special guidance tool facilitating the target aiming phase when the warhead is in ARMED mode.