Almaz-Antey to display its Surface-to-Air Missile Systems in Istanbul
The Almaz–Antey Air and Space Defence Corporation, a major Russian weapons manufacturer, will display its products at IDEF 2019, the 14th International Defence Industry Fair, to be held April 30 -May 3 in Istanbul.
“First of all, our participation in the IDEF 2019 exhibition aims to boost the corporation’s image as that of the main Russian developer and manufacturer of defencive systems, and which provides a warranty for the service life of these systems. It also aims to expand the range of potential clients,” said Deputy General Director for Foreign Trade Vyacheslav Dzirkaln.
He noted that the corporation emphasizes technological independence and economic stability while remaining very competitive.
The Corporation’s stand will feature S-400 Triumph, Buk-M2E, Viking, TOR-M2E, TOR-M2K and TOR-M2KM surface-to-air missile systems (SAMs), as well as the Tunguska-M1 combined anti-aircraft missile/artillery system, in the form of models, videos and booklets.
For example, the corporation’s integral systems will unveil radar systems for controlling air traffic. Visitors will be able to see the 55ZH6ME multirole radar system, the 55ZH6UME mobile on-duty radar system, the 1L121E mobile radar system, the 1L122-1E portable radar system and the 1L125E mobile radar system. Civilian and dual-purpose systems, including the DMRL-3 meteorological radar system, the ROSC-1 radar/optical system for guarding facilities and neutralizing drones and the Sopka-2 fixed-route radar system, will also be displayed.
The section on ground-based radar systems will display a full-scale version of the Sova (Owl) perimeter-defence radar system, models of the Fara (Headlight)-VR portable radar system, the 1L277 portable radar system for detecting ground-based targets, as well as those of the SNAR-10M1 and 1L261-E mobile radar systems. /SPUTNIK