Brazilian Air Force contracts for two Hermes 900 UAVs

Brazilian Air Force contracts for two Hermes 900 UAVs

The Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira: FAB) on 30 December awarded a contract to AEL Sistemas to acquire two Hermes 900 (RQ-900 in Brazil service) multirole medium-altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and spare parts, according to the service.

f03eea7a 1bc3 4334 bb6e 4f7d31ddcee0 1The contract will be fulfilled over the next 16 months, AEL Sistemas told Janes . The UAVs will join a single Hermes 900 received in 2014 for the Squadron Hórus.

In FAB service, the Hermes 900 will include Elbit Systems’ DCompass and Skeye electro-optical payloads, frontal panoramic thermal camera, and directional antenna for line-of-sight datalink control. It has a 15.3 m wingspan, a length of 8.3 m, 1,180 kg maximum take-off weight, and 350 kg payload capacity. The aircraft also has 30 hours of endurance and can fly at altitudes up to 30,000 ft.

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