Rafael displays SPIKE Firefly loitering munition

Rafael displays SPIKE Firefly loitering munition

At Eurosatory 2022, Rafael showcases the smallest member of the SPIKE family: the SPIKE Firefly.

SPIKE FIRELFY is part of the SPIKE Family of precision guided electrooptical missile systems, a portable vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) miniature tactical loitering munition designed for ground organic precision strike for close combat forces in any environment.

f3664096 a13c 44f5 bd28 661e98faef2eThe weapon system kit includes 3 Loitering Munitions, a Control Unit consisting of a ruggedized tablet and a backpack. The FIREFLY Loitering Munition includes a dual seeker (IR/ CMOS), proximity sensors, military standard bidirectional data link, and a detachable warhead compartment allowing flexibility in training and storage.

FIREFLY’s modes of operation include fly-bywaypoint and fly-by-video, in which the operator controls the LM heading by touch commands on the video itself, allowing intuitive operation. Once targets are detected, whether visible or Beyond Line of Sight, the operator locks onto them and attacks with pinpoint accuracy. The FIREFLY LM can be recalled back to the operator at any time before the final attack command is issued.

The FIRELFY munition includes an advanced multispectral seeker with both uncooled IR sensor, high-definition CMOS day sensor as well as a proximity sensor allowing the system to detect, identify, track & home on very agile targets. In addition to the seeker the munition includes an encrypted data link and a lethal blast fragmentation warhead.

FIREFLY can also be supplied in a vehicle-mounted configuration, designed for IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicle). The integrated system enables the launch of FIREFLY LMs from within the IFV. The LMs acts as an armed scout for the armored formation both as an effector for removing threats on the vehicle’s path and as a recon asset for enhancement of situational awareness.

In May 2022, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and its US subsidiary RSGS demonstrated the SPIKE FIRELFY loitering munition at the U.S. Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment 2022 (also known as AEWE).

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